
Bishop + 7th rank Pawn vs Rook

I have been studying Bishop + 7th rank Pawn vs Rook endgames and I think I know which ones are draws, or who wins.

If you see any errors, you can tell me by put them in the chat of this study or message me.

The goal of the pawn side is to promote the pawn and win. The goal of the other side is to take the pawn to draw by insufficient material.

Since the rook has to stop the pawn, it must get either behind the pawn, or in front of the pawn. This means that the bishop wants to stop the rook.

However, even if the rook messes up and gets into a position where the bishop can stop it there are some positions that draw anyway.

The deflection tactic is a good example:

Or the skewer tactic:

Also, if the king blocks the rook from reaching the perfect spot, there are some positions where it is still a draw. One example is this:

So my conclusion from these is that the rook can stop the pawn and force a draw unless the bishop stops the rook and black has no tactic to win the pawn.