FM Tanmaychopra Lichess coach picture

FM Tanmay Chopra

Willing to coach dedicated students, especially 1800+ FIDE.

LocationLondon United Kingdom
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 238725492425
Hourly rate$40
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am an 18-year-old FM currently living in London, UK. Having started playing chess competitively at the relatively late age of 11, I had to put in extreme hard work and dedication to progress. However, doing that has allowed me to know the exact methods to maximise someone's potential in a short span of time. Though it is not easy, it is very possible and I can show you how.

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Playing experience

Within the first 4 years of my chess career, I won the Delhi State Championship (2019), followed by the London Junior Championships in December of the same year (as I moved to the UK from India). Furthermore, I jointly won the UK Chess Challenge in 2021. Having played over 40 FIDE-rated tournaments, I sure do hold some Playing Experience.

One of my best results has been making a draw after 122 moves against the 7- time British Champion GM Micheal Adams in an inferior endgame in the Caplin Online British chess championship.,a%20122%2Dmove%20long%20game.

Best skills

My biggest strengths lie in Middlegame and Endgame, through a good understanding of dynamic and static play coupled with knowledge of theoretical and practical endgames. I particularly enjoy positions with more space. Recently, I have also done a lot of work on openings. So essentially, I can help the student with any area of chess.

Teaching methodology

I require interested students to send me their tournament games so that I can get a quick overview of their strengths and weaknesses and will let them know what and how to work on in the first lessons themselves. During the lessons, I will have examples prepared for middlegames and endgames that I deem are most required for you to see to refine your understanding as well as improve your calculation. Should it be required, we can also look at opening lines in depth. I am also flexible with the students letting me know what they want to do in the lesson and preparing material according to that.

Additional Support: I can advise you on which tournaments to enter and will undoubtedly provide you with guidance when you compete.
In order to assist you better your game, I will also give you training materials and other materials.
I can guarantee that whenever you speak with me during, before, or after the competition, you will be inspired and psychologically strong.
During the competitions, I will be reachable via Skype or WhatsApp for rapid and efficient communication.

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