
Neimann's Second Amended Complaint Filed In Federal Court

The conspiracy that doesn't exist.

Market dominance has nothing to do with conspiracy.

Why should Hans, out of all people, be a target?
Didn't Wijk aan Zee break off discussions with him after Carlsen's tirade and Nakamura's defamation series?
@Cedur216 said in #3:
> The conspiracy that doesn't exist.
> Market dominance has nothing to do with conspiracy.
> Why should Hans, out of all people, be a target?
I suggest that you read the complaint to know what Niemann is alleging rather than simply making an ignorant general comment. Market dominance obtained by illegal methods can indeed involve an illegal conspiracy.
@GrandPatzerDave said in #4:
> Didn't Wijk aan Zee break off discussions with him after Carlsen's tirade and Nakamura's defamation series?
That is what Niemann alleges in his second amended complaint.
@VTWood said in #5:
> Market dominance obtained by illegal methods can indeed involve an illegal conspiracy.

But there is no reason to assume that market dominance was obtained in illegal methods. Buying other companies is not a crime. There should some very concrete violations like making "offers you cannot refuse"

besides market dominance is far from complete. there are plenty on chess content sellers that are not part of .... "multi-billion dollar behemoth" LOL

So it was Niemann's specific victory over Magnus at the Sinquefield Cup was the reason Magnus' hopes of reaching 2900 were dashed. (taken from his #7 complaint)

After that point, it was pointless to read any more of the "amended circle-jerking" complaints. Do people even read this garbage and self-aggrandizing drivel?
i beleive neiman complain is true..
that is a huge details, no one can lie with such details like this..

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