
How Talent thinks and calculates?

Hello To All Chess Beginners,

I know how hard to improve chess from scratch even though thousands of resources out there, even chess coaches come to the youtube channels, playing sites, or chess academies/schools. It feels like you still have something to improve and something is lacking.

I have been a student that has no coach at all and learns everything via trial and error, reading chess books, some advice from top-level players, and also from chess games/tourneys. So I do feel your pains.

I will just demonstrate to you that we have 4 types of students

1. Poor students
2. Good students
3. Excellent students
4. Talented students

I will give you an example of how these people work even in a real-life situation, chess, or academically speaking.

There was this mathematical problem that was given to the students.

Here was the problem sum up all the numbers from 1 to 10. It means 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = ???

The POOR students were not really kind of stupid but they were just lazy to calculate. The same in academics.

While the GOOD students would try to add all together by calculator or manually calculated. For sure they would find the answer.

While this excellent student would try to have a different approach. He/She would try to calculate on his mind these numbers 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 10, 5. It would be much faster than calculating manually or even in a calculator.

While the talent, he would just calculate it by 10×5+5. There is this secret formula in any kind of sports, mind games, or even academically speaking.

Talent has its own way to calculate or do things.

That is exactly, why Coach Dinosaur is here to simplify and make it easier for you to improve how to play and improve yourself faster than good chess players and excellent players.

If you are not a talented player, you can become one by simply learning how talent thinks and work hard on it.

Because we believe talent alone cannot make you become a champion. Only by hard work after learning how the talent thinks whether you are a talent or not.

If you do not know how talent thinks even you are an excellent student or at least the good ones will have a hard time improving even there were thousands of resources out there left and right, front and back.

Once you know how talent thinks, it is already easier for you to learn any opening, any tactical plans, any strategies, how to defend well, middlegame plans, endgame, and even how to analyze your own games.

The good news is all these can be learned in a simplified way.

To learn these things please look for me.

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