
Upcoming marathon tourney

Hi all

Suppose there are some engine abusers who eventually get ejected - would it be ideal to have those games claimed in terms of tournament points - eg 2 points for each loss endured versus an engine abuser ?! Can points reclamation procedures be put in ?!

If one starts the tournament early with such abusers present then it's a lot if energy and time to lose to them and get no points.
For the Marathon I think we should introduce Articpenguins great idea with one make-up mirror for every season but summer mirror should be green and spring mirror yellow.
it would take too much work and changes. Imagine someone trailing behind on page 3, and suddenly jumps to page 1, playing against best players.

Really tough to make it "fair", but it's already unfair 'engines' are a part of it.
Now that we have privately given and received olive branches, KC, I hope you won't take it amiss if I disagree with you in public yet again!

In terms of the marathon, the points lost to engine users will be meaningless.

I seem to remember that some engine users were identified during the last marathon and kicked out - the identification of cheats at lichess is way ahead of other online chess sites.

One imagines there will be a handful of idiots trying to make a name for themselves via the engine; but to set a precedent of 'replacing' lost points from playing vs an engine is dangerous - if it is done in the marathon, why should it not be done at all times?

In any case, losing a few points is not the end of the world: they will soon be made up.

Of course, if the pairing process was perfect, it might be possible to say that only the best players were playing against 'top' engines... but the pairing process is so flawed that at times it is laughable; and if only the best players were to play vs engines, at least it keeps the field closer - and healthier in terms of competition.

What is vital is that engine users are thrown out asap. In addition, you should take on plenty of fluids, take regular rest breaks (every 4 hours at least) and be aware that over-play online can be a bad plan if you have epilepsy.

Good luck y'all (I'm trying to speak American for a bet).
KC I´ve been asking you this a few times but never got a reply. You say that you don´t care about rating points, but appearently you do care a lot about tournament results, podiums etc.
Why is that? What´s the difference for you?
Because we all like to win the tournaments we join?
#5 On this site my preferred goal is to win as many tournaments as possible - especially the daily, weekly and other special ones - and beserking is often part of that. So the rating for me here is more of a "working rating". On some other sites that I rarely play it is more of a kind of long term "ladder" - where you will find many players with 2500+ ratings who rarely ever play - they are content sitting high on the ladder.

Although this might seem somehow negative, for me this is my favourite site by far for blitz and bullet chess. The tournaments are huge fun - and it is good for the activity of the site to keep the general perspective that the ratings for even the serious players are more "working ratings" rather than longer term "ladder ratings". There are things to do here - things to achieve.

Hope that clarifies things.

Cheers, K
I've heard these tourns are mostly for fun and playing for a limited time rather than a certain number of rounds is also not optimal. I got the impression that these tourneys are more meant to be fun than extremely fair.
If the abusers are expelled and disqualified there is at least no risk they will win the tourn.

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