
Move sound lag

Since the restart of yesterday i've been experiencing this too, it's unplayable now, the sound delay is about 1 second.

Tested on chrome, firefox and brave, all of them the same issue, with firefox the lags is not that huge but still fairly bad.

To be more clear, firefox and brave are fresh installed, I also tried without being logged, all the same.
Experiencing the same on Firefox, macOS, persists after reinstall.
Mismo problema, sonido con retraso en cada jugada, e inicio de partida tardío. Lo del inicio tardío ya viene sucediendo hace tiempo.
I'm having trouble reproducing this, but from the volume of reports there's definitely something going on. I have a few questions to help me zero in on it.

Is this happening in fast time controls only?

When a capture is made, is the capture sound doubled or is an ordinary move and capture sound played in sequence?

Can anyone make this happen in analysis or puzzles?
Browser: firefox
Happens in 1min haven't tried anything else
Doesn't seem to happen in puzzles
Started happening like 2 days ago for me.
The sound is just delayed for me on every move, if the opponent premoves the sounds nearly overlap but the sound isn't played twice.
Got it, and it's YOUR move sound that's delayed?
@schlawg said in #19:
> Got it, and it's YOUR move sound that's delayed?

Happened in 1/2+0 and 1/4+0 (Hyperbullet and Ultrabullet). Also happened in a 10+0 rapid game
@schlawg said in #17:
> pening in fast time controls
Is this happening in fast time controls only?
For me it happens with 0 time + 1 sec increment (call it bullet)

When a capture is made, is the capture sound doubled or is an ordinary move and capture sound played in sequence?

It happens all the time when a piece moves, captures, etc it just has a delay.

For me and my opponent too, so it's extremely hard to play since the delay is not even constant.
Can anyone make this happen in analysis or puzzles?
It doesn't happen with puzzles.

Here is a video:
It is fixed in GitHub but France is asleep right now so it may be a few hours before the fix is deployed.

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