
Classical Arena tournaments

Hi everyone! I was just wondering, why are there only classical tournaments every week, and not every day like all the other time controls? Rapid, blitz, bullet all happen consistently every day. Is there a reason for this?
@completeathlete5 said in #1:
> Hi everyone! I was just wondering, why are there only classical tournaments every week, and not every day like all the other time controls? Rapid, blitz, bullet all happen consistently every day. Is there a reason for this?
classical takes forever, a classical tournament takes maybe more than 5 hours
@completeathlete5 said in #1:
> Hi everyone! I was just wondering, why are there only classical tournaments every week, and not every day like all the other time controls? Rapid, blitz, bullet all happen consistently every day. Is there a reason for this?
Probably because classical matches go on for very long.
One classical match could take up more than an hour, so you can't have "Hourly Classical Arena"
@completeathlete5 said in #1:
> Hi everyone! I was just wondering, why are there only classical tournaments every week, and not every day like all the other time controls? Rapid, blitz, bullet all happen consistently every day. Is there a reason for this?

Classical is not most suitable for arenas. It takes forever for a game to complete, so they create it every week instead of every day.

Though you can play swiss classical tournaments which are created every day, you can play them by joining this lichess team:

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