
Cannot rematch

Quite often, when my opponent sends me a rematch offer and I'm going to accept it, my cursor becomes a "prohibition" traffic signal and I eventually cannot.
It happens both on Firefox and Chrome, quite frequently after I have sent a "Good Game" or "thank you" etc on the chat, but I'm not sure this is always the case.

Thank you
I think your opponents may be interpreting your comments as a declination of their offer and leaving the page, nullifying the offer in the process. When the opponent leaves the page, the rematch button is blocked to prevent a game from starting with one of the players absent.

If it happens even when your opponent is still on the page, that might be a problem.
No, I don't think so. I think they are still there. Sometimes a little window appears at the top right telling me about the rematch offer wit the options "waiting" (an eye symbol?) in blue, or "decline".
at times I've been sent to another full screen window, without the board, with the same options and a "cancel " button at the bottom in red.
In no one of these cases I get the message "your opponent has left"
But thanks for the answer, anyhow.

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