
Satscho (KabeljauTV) analyses your games!

Hi everybody!
I'm Satscho, a german 18-year-old student from Germany. I'm playin' for a while on lichess and have around 2300 rating here. My friend Kabeljaukrieger and I had the idea to start a twitch channel (KabeljauTV), which my buddy manages at the moment.
Now, I want to introduce you to something new and start a new project.

Send me your games and I will analyse it!
We will start a discussion here in the forum where you can also comment. I will try to find mistakes in your game and give possible other solutions to improve your skills at chess. Maybe I can give you some advice how you can get better.

I will try to give you HUMAN advices, not always looking at the engine. We will try to analyse without the computer as far as possible, because WE have to think, not Stockfish or Houdini ;)

Firstly, you send me your game via message or post it here. Secondly, I will comment on it and create a new post in the forum. Now the whole lichess-community can talk about your game.

I hope I can help you to improve your skills that you destroy your opponents in the future!

Best regards,

Satscho (KabeljauTV-crew)
Do you have a sample game that you have analyzed?
@CapaAlek I create a new post on every game, you can see the first one in the forum chapter "Game analysis"

Thanks at you all. I will start analysing your games!

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