
Cheat Detected

@Lord_Of_The_Hill :
the OP never complained about anything, he just asked a question about cheating detection.
Then he left the thread.
Then others went to ask about other things, even if the original question was answered.
Then this thread turned into a big mess.

I think I will put this in my "classic troll" top 10 of the month
I read the thread from the beginning, and only now I do understant that no real cheating occurs, just a moderator troll somebody. Am I right?
@peyop Whichever question is asked, remember no question is as stupid as an offensive comment.
@MessyAnswer : if you took my last commentary as injourious I'm sorry, that was not my goal. I don't say your question was stupid, just off topic. Someone comes here to ask a precise question about cheat detection and you say "hey but he's not marked as a cheater!" So what ?
I found it fun that's all :)

<Comment deleted by user>
So who cheated, JustinDong, can you tell us? You or TheLlamaLord? And why none is marked now?

Out of interest, I tried to trigger "cheat detected" by turning on local analysis in another tab. But nothing happens.

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