
what would you do in this situation?

you destroyed the original copy of the mona lisa. what would you do now?

A: change your identity (to prevent authorities from knowing who did it)

B: recreate mona lisa (least succesful choice)

C: go back in time, steal the mona lisa from da vinci and replace the OTHER original copy

the choice is yours
I would dial up some David Allen Coe, "Mona Lisa Lost Her Smile."
If accused, i would make the very plausible excuse , that it's just a frame up !. :).
I would just confess and say she was one ugly dude. All would forgiven. "Dude looks like a lady...."
Now if you could some how do this say you are a restorer and botched it so bad well you will just have to recreate it. But say you are an important figure who borrowed it and in a drunken riot of a party burned it to prove your superiority to history well then the name change.the problem with the go back in time is the nature of reality may not allow this let alone the incredible power it would take something only a bodhisattva could even think about doing, but how could he harm it?
EDIT: i have made it so there is another choice:

D: Do nothing (you go to prison for 40 years)

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