
multiple browser tabs open - spectators

if you have lichess running in multiple browser tabs (puzzle in one, watching a game, waiting for a tournament, etc), are you a listed spectator in all of them at the same time, or only in the tab you are currently watching?
@travelgirl said in #1:
> if you have lichess running in multiple browser tabs (puzzle in one, watching a game, waiting for a tournament, etc), are you a listed spectator in all of them at the same time, or only in the tab you are currently watching?
You are, but it's really weird. Why would you have Lichess open on multiple tabs? I have done that only once to check if I was on tv lol.
i will sometimes be working puzzles while i'm watching a game or waiting for a tournament to start... asking because players in a tournament will sometimes/most times? not be listed as spectators on the tournament tab while playing a game... or at least that's my memory...

i might also have a future tournament tab open while doing those other things and wonder if people see me there, thinking i'm watching that tab that moment, and try to have a conversation with no one... :)
I understand but it's not recommended to do so. If you have Tactics, Analyzes of Previous Games, or TV Lichess on while you play, it is possible that the server's algorithm/cheat detector might incorrectly think that you are using the other tabs for the purpose of cheating (this is not the case for you but the algorithm does not know that!), it is not recommended to do this, especially with a lot of tabs.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #4:
> I understand but it's not recommended to do so. If you have Tactics, Analyzes of Previous Games, or TV Lichess on while you play, it is possible that the server's algorithm/cheat detector might incorrectly think that you are using the other tabs for the purpose of cheating

nope. that is not how this works. it's almost completely save to have other tabs open, *unless* you actively try to cheat.

edit: i currently know of exactly 2 ways to trigger cheat detection accidentally. both of these are very, very specific, and so far i have not seen either of them be claimed in the wild by anyone. for both of them, you have to follow several specific steps in a way that most sane people wouldn't, just playing around with multiple tabs won't do it.
@glbert said in #5:
> nope. that is not how this works. it's almost completely save to have other tabs open, *unless* you actively try to cheat.
> edit: i currently know of exactly 2 ways to trigger cheat detection accidentally. both of these are very, very specific, and so far i have not seen either of them be claimed in the wild by anyone. for both of them, you have to follow several specific steps in a way that most sane people wouldn't, just playing around with multiple tabs won't do it.

interesting, but no one has definitely stated whether or not i appear as a spectator...

i know that if i'm playing a game and other tabs are ACTIVE (not just open, but there's stuff going on), cheat detection will probably be very heightened. but inactive (ie, like the end of previous games, because i'm going to go back over them to analyse later) don't seem to trigger anything; i've been doing that for years, and i'm careful to be active on the game tab only WHILE i'm playing.

fwiw, i recently watched eric rosen play in two tournaments at once, i suppose to see if he could... he did really well in one (came in 1st or 2nd) and did better than average on the 2nd... having said that, i discourage others from attempting to do this because it could look like ratings manipulation if you start losing games/points Real Quickly...
@travelgirl said in #6:
> interesting, but no one has definitely stated whether or not i appear as a spectator...

you appear as a spectator in all tabs that you have open. well, only if the page in that tab has a spectator list of course. i mean, i have never tried because i don't find the question interesting. but i have several times see people in spectator lists while they were playing bullet games, so they obviously were not active in the spectating tab. and if you appear in one inactive tab, you probably appear in all of them.
@glbert said in #5:
> nope. that is not how this works. it's almost completely save to have other tabs open, *unless* you actively try to cheat.
> edit: i currently know of exactly 2 ways to trigger cheat detection accidentally. both of these are very, very specific, and so far i have not seen either of them be claimed in the wild by anyone. for both of them, you have to follow several specific steps in a way that most sane people wouldn't, just playing around with multiple tabs won't do it.

if you are better informed than me on this subject, I trust you))

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