
Is chess by definition a loaded sport?

@photographic-memory @visualization @and @stuff


worldclass champions are very different - some are great & easy blindsimultaneous 'visualizers' (lol) - others can't do one single move without the board with pieces on it in front.

where do you people take all your conviction from?
what hinders you to know, that what you think you know, is only what you think? ha? what?

when you don't really know sth, when, in fact, you're only g u e s s i n g, you don't state it like you were expert! you use 'maybe', subjunctive clause, or 'from what I experienced' or alike. or in the end of your "dissertations", you add: <<..., but I don't know.>>, understand?

i hope i made myself clear.
@DuMussDieUhrDruecken said in #12:
> @photographic-memory @visualization @and @stuff
> no.
> worldclass champions are very different - some are great & easy blindsimultaneous 'visualizers' (lol) - others can't do one single move without the board with pieces on it in front.
> where do you people take all your conviction from?
> what hinders you to know, that what you think you know, is only what you think? ha? what?
> when you don't really know sth, when, in fact, you're only g u e s s i n g, you don't state it like you were expert! you use 'maybe', subjunctive clause, or 'from what I experienced' or alike. or in the end of your "dissertations", you add: <<..., but I don't know.>>, understand?
> i hope i made myself clear.
As clear as mud!!
@snipermode said in #10:
> In this dumpster fire of a forum the moment someone posts something it gets immediately downvoted by beta male incels. This is why I stopped posting in this trash forum. No room for open discussion.
> Bunch of 13 year old redditors trapped in adult body.
I thought all chess players think they're alpha males , that's why the women get so much harassment xxx
I think playing chess it very fun. Because i can play chess with everyone. And they equal elo mine . They win me ,and lose me. When they lose me im very happy.

Then im very love lichess !
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I think it requires above average memorization and visualization and strong focus. It requires a Supreme work ethic and devotion. But I don't think your IQ needs to be above 135.

Players less gifted need to just play as perfect as possible with fewer lines and pray and hope and use clock to calculate at a high level when out of theory. Lots of players reach 2400 on a limited repertoire. But likely won't reach top 20 overly limited.

Learning young and familiarizing with 20 lines gives players a big advantage. From 8 to 16 they can have diverse knowledge and intuitively understand positions from repetition while spending the next 10yrs improving calculation and tactics. Hard to compete with if you start at 17.
@snipermode said in #1:
> However do you feel the top 1% who goes to dominate chess had massive headstart by being prodigies.
> In my opinion kind of ruins the playing field.

There is a trick:
Find the playing field where you are the prodigy.

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