
Boycott of Rapid and Blitz Wch in Riyadh

I just read that Hikaru Nakamura und women's world champion in rapid and blitz, Anna Muzychuk, refuse to play in a place like Saudi Arabia.
Do you know of other players? It seems players from Israel didn't even get a visa.
What's your opinion on the whole subject? Please share!
Please don't. Play chess on lichess, go on other forums if you wanna talk about politics. Thanks.
From all reports the event has been 1st class. A little much might be being made of the visa's as all countries received theirs but Israel.
From what I understand, at present Israel prohibits it's citizens from traveling to Saudi Arabia in the 1st place, making any appearance unlikely. An exception is always possible to be made, but it was more of the usual "standoff" that the two countries have.

And yes, politics is boring. At best in off topic.
I don't think politics is boring and I don't think this is off topic. I consider this of big importance for the whole chess world.
If someone doesn't like the subject - no need to answer.
@#2 I don't like people telling me what I am allowed to talk about. There is a very ugly word discribing such state of mind. Let's not use it. As long as we don't insult anybody, every subject should be okay. Thanks.
Who said what is good and what is bad in this Boycott? Please, let's politics out of Lichess. If someone don't want play in a tournament for any reason, he or she knows for what, and asume consecuences. But, please.... Politics out of Chess!!! Remember Kasparov vs Campomanes in the FIDE.
"Who said what is good and what is bad in this Boycott?"
So far no one said. I just asked for opinions, that's all.
I heard that BLM are going to be boycotting all sorts of chess tournaments. They think it's racist because white gets the first move.
Maybe they should play horde, where the black side is the winning one.
Somewhat surprised because Hikaru has played many events in countries which are not known for sterling human rights records. Maybe he has had a change of heart.
Armchair chess players calling for a boycott of events ??
Professional players will make their own decisions based on their personal convictions. I don't think they pay any attention to what the general public thinks is right/wrong ... should or shouldn't do.

Remember the hijab? For weeks the "politically correct" were shouting boycott, woman's rights, mistreatment of, predicting terrible happenings in Tehran. Participating players were being unfairly labeled. The event was a resounding success. Every participant left with only positive feedback of woman's chess being favorably promoted. Not a peep has been heard since from all the detractors.

This is feedback the OP does not want to hear. There has yet to be a comment favoring a boycott. The main reason is it's POLITICAL. (Besides being posted in General Chess Discussion). It's not really about chess, but about a long standing dispute between political countries. If anything "off topic" is better suited.
No other country bid on the Event. It wouldn't have happened without SA. Players can choose if they wish to participate or not.

The whole "boycott" thing is not what it's made out to be by journalists wishing to create a sensational story. Israel has strict travel limitations on it's citizens. Travel to SA is prohibited.

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