
Chess is a nasty game

@Ihavenothing Sadly, Nietzsche has been misunderstood by many. He can hardly be blamed for the fools and tyrants who stumbled upon his work. Though, I can't say Yussopov had a single redeeming quality.
Dear friend! I am really upset about your forum post.
So many people have quit chess so many times, but our beloved game is great and sooner or later they are/will be coming back. Aren't they they regretting the time they missed when they start playing again?!
Still here due to wasted willpower or addiction?!
We are still here because it is an amazing place to play this great game, we have community, we meet people around the world, we talk, we make friends, we battle, we measure our skills, we are having fun!
Any other game in the world is about losing or winning, it is not different so why not chess.
"Wer spielt, kann verlieren. Wer aufgibt, der hat schon verloren"
Happy chessing everyone :-)
@clutchnutz 'The Magician' was the character of Crowley fictionalized in Maugham's book. I was asking if you were quoting Crowley, though looking back at that post I can see it was a bit ambiguous. I am pretty sure Maugham hated the guy but I can't remember why. The first half of the book was brilliant in a manic almost Dostoyevsky manner but second half didn't work so well but still worth a read I reckon. @Funkmaus My humble apologies if my post upset you - did I say I was leaving chess? You know what that's not such a bad idea!!! I do however think lichess is great. Poetry however is fantastic and Czech lager is sublime!
@Shillam Thanks. It was not you, as I don't know you and your initial post was rather confusing to me so I could not understand whether it was humor. I just read "nasty game" and that's it.
My friend, PoolOfLiver made the comment #29 which made me upset and I was referring to him.
All best :-)
@MrPushwood I think the OP is off the grog at the moment but waiting for the weekend. Dylan Thomas was a perfectionist - perhaps why he had more than the occasional drinky. Thomas Hardy was not a perfectionist but he is pretty consistently good, in my ever so humble opinion.
@Funkmaus Yes, I too was a little confused by the OP. I think its just some one looking for attention.
yes!chess in intresting game ._.
that hard thing make chess fun:))

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