
Puzzle Progress Graph no button to see it

some related topics:

Ever since the puzzle dashboard was implemented, I have not figured out where to click to see a graph/plot of just my puzzle rating with respect to time. For the other variants/tabs, when you click them it gives you the plot for that specific tab and some other performance statistics. But when you click the 'PUZZLES' tab it takes you to the dashboard (with lots of useful performance statistics, but no plot of rating with respect to time).

I know you can see the plot, along with all of your other rating plots combined in your main profile page: @wsad597)
but since all of my other ratings are lower, it is zoomed out and hard to see my puzzle progress.

Thanks to one of the above forum posts I found that you can see this plot if you go here:
but, as far as I can tell, there is no button that directs you here, and you have to simply type that in the address bar.

Is this intended? Or could this plot be incorporated into the current puzzle dashboard? Or could this plot be exposed some other way?

Thank you very much.

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