
Is Wikipedia biased?

@kettwiesel not to agree or disagree with you.

But you mention your own opinion and a link to (only) one source (a source of your choosing)... Isn't that also a biased view on Wikipedia?

Edited/added: when you post a question like this. You should be objective. And then see how people would respond.
But you ask a question, and at the same time, feeding people your opinion!
@NaturalBornTraveller its also impossible answer, there are many alibi reasons you could give and you would have to be biased to discard them. And ofc the way wiki is structure is a recipe for being biased, majority rul,e what did the cofounder expect? @kettwiesel
@Ihavenothing One could present "facts" and provide a source code for where one got those "facts", and why they choose those information instead of others.
That's what journalism is about.
And normally they, journalists, listen and see documented eye witness's accounts and scientific documented studies. They doesn't follow their own hunch or opinions.
@NaturalBornTraveller because history has proven again and again that history is wrtten by the winners. Whitnesses can be bribed, delusional or intentionally wrong. Mark twain said: who doesn't read the paper is uninformed, who reads it is misinformed.
@NaturalBornTraveller said:
"""when you post a question like this. You should be objective. And then see how people would respond.
But you ask a question, and at the same time, feeding people your opinion!"""

I am not objective and i am biased and made up my mind in case of the german Wikipedia. You are right, the question
form was wrong in this case, thanks for valid criticism.
There never was any presumption of strictly objective or even true material appearing in is only a platform on which to lodge information,be it true or false.The idea is to use it as a starting point...and if you are doing serious research,always check any references lodged.
I use it frequently for a quick fact source...e.g. "total ships sunk in the battle of midway?"
But I would never accept as gospel the first entry I encountered on a question like "what is the optimum amount of butter to spread on a piece of toast?"
The answer to the first is a straight fact;the answer to the second is a matter of opinion depending on which parameters you assign.

edit...all bets are off if governmental interference (selective censorship) is involved.
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