
Please Help to identify chess pieces.

Ultimately it comes down to if you enjoy a set enough to play/study on it. Personally, if I can't tell what piece is what, its going into the trash can.
I wouldn't say it's garbage, I would say its value is aesthetic (even if some don't happen to like its look)/novelty/coffee table conversation piece rather than practical. Some buddies got me a shot glass set one time, which I like. Pragmatically it's useless but I keep it around because it's fun.
It would be slightly easier to know if you show us all the pieces except for the pawns and the rooks, then we can tell between the (king and queen) and the (bishop and knight) as the bishop and knight will come in pairs while the king and queen will come separately
My guess is that this is ,a "homemade set" Nice finish on the wood

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