
Nice relaxing Poetry or chess?

I am thinking maybe of giving up chess and starting to write poetry but am not sure what style to adopt. I seem to react against the contemporary free verse forms and am thinking of maybe some sort of very strict traditional style like the sonnet or villanelle? I think this may be a better use of my time as chess is a nasty game and poetry much more relaxing particularly if taken with cold Europeans lager. Suggestion welcome?
If I were there, I would choose chess. But it is your passion and talent which you are good. You can choose the one which gives you fun.
The issue with chess is that it is not a relaxing game. It almost seems like formalized warfare to me. I think, when alcohol is brought into the equation chess is much better, especially combined with the nice cold Lager from Europe - with this Chess is much better but still it is not W. B.
Yeats or Edna St Vincent Millay.
Supposing you are genuine about your question, I would start with what you like reading yourself if there isn't a style that comes naturally to you when writing poems. Since this isn't a poetry but a chess forum I would like to tell you to just go with your gut. If chess doesn't feel good to you, and I know the doubts well myself, and you are able to break free from it and pursue something else, like poetry, then, by all means, go for it. Poetry is indeed beautiful and it's still as relevant as it has been for thousands of years. For me, personally, it's that when I read poetry I come to myself, I feel more human, while with playing chess I tend to get angry and quite often in a bad mood. You could also think about setting time aside for both activities, if that works for you. If you like playing chess in a friendly atmosphere consider playing with like minds in a bar or café. All the best.
Poetry as a form of human expression can be many different things. It can be lyrical, lofty, down-to-earth, and yes, also nasty. I think chess is also a form of human expression (some regard it as a struggle, some as an art). I think its a mix of both, and it also has quite some range from beautiful to nasty. Its just that when humans are involved you can get all of that. So do what you enjoy, the thing that is a worthwhile and satisfying channel for your expression.

Oh, and by the way, you can write some poems about chess too. I've seen a few here in the forums. The effort is appreciated!
Taking up poetry as a serious pursuit would be soul-crushing. As a hobby it's a fantastic idea. I know a friend who personally thinks it's better to write in verse, because you have a set pattern to fill, and less variables to consider. I can't imagine doing that, though. Free verse is always the way.
Ezra Pound imagist style Laden with Nordic symbolism... Possible themes: The birth of chess; Something Faustian... The Chess Donkey that sold his soul to the Dark forces in return for Chess Mastery; Perhaps, You could fashion Chess into some sort transcendental religion... a kabbalistic pursuit.
I vote for the chess donkey: original yet familiar somehow. Something to do with wanting to bear a knight that tilts chess windmill dragons...

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