
Lichess Mobile V2 - Multiple accounts

I use the TestFlight version of Lichess Mobile and I think it misses a feature : allow multiple accounts.
My son and I have different accounts, but we play both on my phone (he's too young to have his own mobile).
But log in/log out in the app (or the website) to have the good account is not the perfect solution ...
So allow multiple accounts logged, and a selection screen on launching to choose the right account could be great !
Thanks by advance,
The login serves the purpose of making account sharing harder to achieve.
Specifically if someone else accesses your account and plays rated games you may be banned for rating manipulation, and if they insult someone you may see your chat privileges be taken away.

I do not exclude that it will be implemented in the future but players must be aware that this compromises security and that they are the only reliable for it.
Yes this could be a great idea(something I would personally use) but it might be dangerous as other users could make mistakes and brake some lichess rules and you would be punished too.

-with respect-
Thanks for the answers - I understand the possible consequences
So if this is implemented in the future, maybe add the ability to log into an account with a PIN (or require it)

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