
Search "user:juancruzariasTDF"

22 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Blog Doubt: Are Drafts completely private?#3

I use Lichess blog drafts to save my credit card numbers, so this is reassuring to hear. Thank you!

FM juancruzariasTDF
Game analysis - how Thibault played with himself?#15

FM juancruzariasTDF
Game analysis - how Thibault played with himself?#8

More importantly, in that game he played the reversed Stafford gambit (4.Nc3!?)! No wonder Black resigned...

FM juancruzariasTDF
Racing Kings WC - 2021 Racing Kings WC match results#5

@juancruzariastdf 5.5 - 2.5 @vladislavalikin Link:

FM juancruzariasTDF
Racing Kings WC - 2021 Racing Kings WC pairings and match time announcements#15

@juancruzariastdf vs. @vladislavalikin 9 am EST Tuesday 29 June

FM juancruzariasTDF
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Tournament chat feature in team battles#1

Hi! Swiss tournaments have the 'Tournament chat' options that allows 'no chat', 'only team leaders', 'only team members', 'all lichess players'. However, in team battles, where I think it could prove …

FM juancruzariasTDF
Off-Topic Discussion - Quién causó el incendio de los servers de Lichess?#1

La noticia original: Una potencial pista…

FM juancruzariasTDF
Atomic960-Tournament - Atomic960-Tournament Third Edition Results#32

@variantbunny vs @juancruzariastdf This has been rescheduled and will happen on: Monday January the 25th at 23:00 UTC

FM juancruzariasTDF
Atomic960-Tournament - Atomic960-Tournament Third Edition Results#17

@variantbunny vs @juancruzariastdf This will happen on: Friday January the 22th at 23:00 UTC

FM juancruzariasTDF
Atomic960-Tournament - Atomic960-Tournament Third Edition Rules!#75

I'm in. I'm juancruzariastdf on chessvariants

FM juancruzariasTDF