
Search "user:Grevous"

16 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bullet Rating not moving#4

Thanks. I got worried and thought I’d been banned haha. Thanks team

Lichess Feedback - Bullet Rating not moving#1

Hey guys, I noticed my bullet rating is not changing after a win or lose? Any ideas why? Thanks!

General Chess Discussion - how do people play like trash in the opening and later proceed to find the only good moves#37

@MyBodyAteItself said in #2: > Because they are good middlegame players and dont just rely on memorising openings Like myself haha...not...

General Chess Discussion - I cracked 1900#1

I know its not a high rating for some, but feels good to finally achieve a 1900 for one form of chess here!

Lichess Feedback - No Takebacks#9

Mouse slips are usually quite obvious, I'm ok with it

Lichess Feedback - Bad Losers#4

I don't like people who seem to abort when not white haha

Lichess Feedback - If I cheat lichess will detect or not?#6

@Duolingo100 said in #1: > Guys answer me pls Why would you want to?

General Chess Discussion - Who is the best chess player in the world#18

Easily Magnus.

Lichess Feedback - Provisional ranking still?#4

ok thanks, just wondering why it reverts back if you are taking a break!

Lichess Feedback - Provisional ranking still?#1

Hello..I have played over 9000 rated bullet games and its still provisional? how many games do you need to get rid of the question mark?
