
Search "user:JONGIN_JEON"

7 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Great Eval Bar Debate:'s Broadcasting Style#8

You forgot to mention the FIDE broadcast, featuring Vishwanathan Anand with no evaluation bars - this could be the new substitute for people who don't like eval bars

Lichess Beta Testers - Frequent reconnects, seemingly only on lichess#10

me too, i though it was my wifi and changed to data network. it happens only shortly, so i thought my wifi was a little loose, but seeing other people having same issues, i guess it wasn't only my iss…

Lichess Feedback - How many games are included in 'Chess Insights' accuracy rate?#1

When you go to 'Chess Insights', you can see your games' data of many things, including move accuracy. Since move accuracy needs engine evaluation, I am curious that how many games are included in thi…

Community Blog Discussions - How Elo Ratings Actually Work#27

How about writing the Glicko system ratings? What I know is that and Lichess both use this system (you can find this out since when you come back from a long break the rating fluctuation is …

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish vs ChessBase, Round 1#77

@Darlock21 said in #68: > How much time did it take you to make stockfish ? Ok, "Violater of the Lichess Terms of Service"

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish vs ChessBase, Round 1#66

Copyright issues of many lines of code are not a simple problem. There will be people who promptly copy like 70% of the code and implement their work on the 30%, then say it's original. The boundary o…

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