
Search "user:d-totenkopf"

3 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - My twenty-four hour journey to an Chess Hussler#12

Far be it from me to promote "political correctness". If anything, it is bad taste that i find most annoying, but I do admit that the issue hits close to home. I stand by what i said, though. Now that…

General Chess Discussion - My twenty-four hour journey to an Chess Hussler#6

@UN I was not offended at all. I'm just sad at the thought that anyone's idea of humour could be that being an illegal immigrant implies a) Talk trash b) smell after Cigarr. (sic) c) Need to drink Bee…

General Chess Discussion - My twenty-four hour journey to an Chess Hussler#2

So, my immigration status determines the likelyhood of me being a thief? LOL I could be offended, but the mere fact that someone would utter such nonsense is just so sad.
