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41 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to pick which bot to play against #2

1. Challenge the bot like you would any other player. See "Lichess Bots" team for a list of bots ( Just pick the weaker ones so you can stand a chance. 2. You ca…

Lichess Feedback - If you can't start games, change your language to English (for now)#3

This actually worked, thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Missing rating distributions#3

I don't follow. There IS a sensible way to rate tactics and correspondence chess - the same Elo (Glicko if you're pedantic) system that is used for all other time controls and variants. It is in fact …

Lichess Feedback - Missing rating distributions#1

Why there are no rating distributions for correspondence and tactics?

Lichess Feedback - Opening database in correspondence games#1

Why is the opening database available in correspondence analysis mode? In my opinion, consulting the database during the game is cheating. Why encourage it?

General Chess Discussion - Adding time #10

@robotrock You are indeed wrong. I am well aware of the 50 move rule, the last capture was at move 278. All games longer than 300 moves are automatically declared as draws. Next time I'll be careful.

General Chess Discussion - Adding time #6

It is ok. I really dislike such opponents, in my opinion, it is a poor sportsmanship to not to resign when you are dead lost. Here is what I do when I am really annoyed: J…

Lichess Feedback - Variant request: Bronstein chess#18

@boorchess Even with castling, the classical setup is at a large disadvantage against the other setups without castling. I did a quick computer analysis (Stockfish 9), here are the scores of various w…

Lichess Feedback - Variant request: Bronstein chess#14

@ellum But where should the king and the rook go if they are not on the e and a/h files respectively?

Lichess Feedback - Variant request: Bronstein chess#12

@ellum But what exactly do you mean by "classical" castling rules?
