
Chess Traps

Chess Traps

Imagine you are a very weak player and you are playing against a grandmaster. Your opponent will be very overconfident and would think that defeating a very weak player like you would be a piece of cake.
So, here are some traps that you and your opponent can apply anytime.
So be ready.

  1. d4, e5 , dxe5 , Bc5 , Bf4 , d6 , exd6 , Ne7 , dxe7 , Bxf2 ( check ) , Kxf2 , Qxd1

    Once while playing chess my opponent applied this trap and after that game I learned my mistakes and stopped falling for it and started applying it on others.
    And now Black has a supremacy of two points.

  2. e4, e5 , Bc4, Bc5 , Nf3 , Nc6 , Nc3, Nf6 , O - O , d6 , d3, Bg4, Bg5, Nd4 , Nxd4, Bxd1, Rfxd1 , exd4

    This is one of the most common chess traps that people apply.
    Black now has a supremacy of six points.

  3. e4, e5 , Nf3 , Nc6, Bb5 , a6 , Ba4, d6, d4, b5 , Bb3 , Nxd4 , Nxd4 , exd4 , Qxd4 , c5 , Qd5 , Be6 , Qc6 ( check ) , Bd7 , Qd5 , c4

    Now the white bishop is trapped.
    After this move black will have an supremacy of three points.

  4. e4, e5 , Nf3 , Nc6 , Bc4 , d6 , Nc3 , Bg4 , h3 , Bh5 , Nxe5 , Bxd1, Bxf7 ( check ), Ke7, Nd5 ( Checkmate )

    Boom, Black is now checkmated in just 8 moves.

  5. d4, d5, c4, e6 , Nc3, Nf6 , Ng5 , Nbd7 , cxd5, exd5 , Nxd5 , Nxd5, Bxd8 , Bb4 ( Check) , Qd2 , Bxd2, Kxd2 , Kxd8

    Black now is ahead in development as well in points and has a supremacy of two points.

You can also click on the link below created by me of these traps.