IM ChesterF Lichess coach picture

IM Radosław Barski

"World champion can be the only one, but you can be a world champion in your life"

Location Poland
LanguagesPolski, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 244124632518
Hourly rate30 euro
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am Radosław Barski from Poland. I am an inernational master around 2440.

Playing experience

4th place in Sparkassen Chess Open 2019 in Heusenstam. Winner of many tours in Poland and participant of many tournament in Europe.

Teaching experience

I am profesional chess coach since 2015. I am a certificated coach by Polish National Federation and International Master in Chess.

Best skills

I am a very dynamic and agressive player. I never agree a draw very eraly. My most coomon opening is King Indian and my knwoledge about this is huge.

Teaching methodology

I try to aproach to every student by himself. Try to recognize his weak points, analyzes his games and impreve opening repertoire.

Our cooperation will consist in discussing the topics, not from one lesson to another.