
How to improve my network?? Give me a few suggestions

I'm a regular lichess user with a lag of usually 150 ms, sometimes 230 - 250 ms and sometimes shooting up to 1000 ms. I do play bullet sometimes and this lag hampers my style. How do u guys improve ur speed? My network is quite good but shoots up sometimes. I always close other tabs in background when playing games. What do u do?
Maybe other people are using your network if so ask him if he can stop using your network
You don't give enough information to provide sensible advice.

1) What kind of network: mobile or land-based?
2) If land-based: cabled or wireless?
3) Do you own the account and do you share it with other people?
Gotta Sheell-Out' The CASH . To get a great Network You should just Pay more & close your eyes but yes make sure youre paying for a better product @SwApNeEl1 There are many nerdy people who can give us all a better answer but will we understand it ?
You only need fractions of those speeds. fewe Kbps should be enough. Problem is probably short connection breaks. These can be :
- Service provider network issues
- if you connected wifi may it has weak signal. Try if playing closer to router helps
- on ethernet connection bad cable, bad cable connection etc. should be rare
Note at what time you had lag problems and note the game link.
I use an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi. I'm always on AC power and my OS is always on full performance mode. So check your power settings and optimize them for game play. I clear my browser cache regularly.

Other steps ...

1) 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms Laptop
2) 10 ms 9 ms 8 ms Internet provider
3) 11 ms 10 ms 10 ms Other server
4) 12 ms 11 ms Internet exchange point
5) * * * Request timed out.

Each ms is from a hardware. Example :
1) PC to Router's
2) Router to Service provider
Better explained on ...
lichess servers are in France
The further away from there you already have a more respective ping
But it doesn't just affect
When you try to connect to a website (like lichess)
Your connection has to go through several servers to reach the destination
When you enter a website
The connection goes through your provider and it decides a route to reach the destination
Sometimes your provider does not choose the best route correctly
Making the ping increase more

But there is also a problem at certain times that the internet flow is greater (peak hours)
Your provider or chosen route is having problems processing connection requests
So also the ping is higher at certain hours

PS: I'm just taking into account that there is no high flow on your home connection
@Toscani said in #5:
> DOWNLOAD Mbps 126.61
> UPLOAD Mbps 10.53

Measuring network bandwidth for chess play is meaningless. Chess matches can be played nicely over very slow connection, including old-style analog copper wire telephone modems that have around 25kbps of bandwidth.

What does matter is the round trip ping time to OVH server rooms in France. Internal routing between OVH properties is quite nonobvious, so the good approximation will be to look for Paris, France which is located centrally both geographically and the packet delay sense.

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