
Team Flair


With the new option to have a team flair, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what the flair should be set to.
I rather like the rainbow flag too. I do know it's something that people can be very sensitive to however. It's why I'm looking for feedback on what the team flair should be. I'm very open to suggestions.
I've set the flair to a black pawn for now. I hope everyone is fine with that for the time being :-) Flair isn't set in stone and I'm happy to change it if anyone has any suggestions.
@Randoopa-2012 said in #6:
> Um how about a crown

I really like that idea. It seems suitable for a team. I've gone ahead and set it as a crown for the time being. If anyone else has further suggestions though I'd definitely love to hear it.

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