
Local SF7 vs Lichess SF7

I matched up the Lichess AI (Skill 1) against a local Stockfish 7, to see how they relate skill-wise.

The local Stockfish was set to Skill 0 and Depth 1, which is (i think) the lowest skill-setting one can set Stockfish to.

Result is that the local AI is playing waaay stronger than the Lichess AI, which surprises me. Did something change? How did you guys dumb SF down so much?
Or am i wrong thinking that the local SF can't be dumbed down more?

I don't know what they did to make SF even more weak. A common way is to limit the search depth and nodes per seconds. I don't know if it's applicable to Stockfish.
Stockfish is open-source, so anyone can download the source code and modify it for their use. I'm guessing that the developers of Lichess did something similar.

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