
Antichess is complete crap

Who else thinks antichess takes no skill? If youre black the white player has to be a complete idiot to lose and there are specific lines that get followed for virtually every game. You have to either be very good or very bad at chess to do well in this mode. Personally I hate it and dont understand who thought it was good to add to this site, horde is another discussion but it has the same feel.
Antichess is pretty much a weakly solved game with lots of traps and forced lines. Memorisation is everything. But memorisation and research IS an important skill, so antichess does take skill -- just a very specific one.

Horde, which you also cite, is pretty much the oppposite of that, according to the top players in that variant. It has mostly intuitive, strategic play, and the opening matters way less than in antichess and maybe even standard chess. Horde definitely takes skill and can be a competitive game full of possibilities.
If you do not like it, do not play it. I would rather have the option of playing a variant than not. This site has choices. Complaining because of having these choices is a great disrepect to the programmers out there.
I don't care much for antichess personally. As previously stated, there are certain lines which are guaranteed wins and therefore it feels a lot more "solvable" than normal chess. A single mistake or delineation in antichess and it's all over.

In respect to Horde I completely disagree with you. Horde has (as far as I know) no solution. Most players have their own ideas as to what the general theory should be, but as previously stated Horde chess - as both black and white - feels a lot more instinctive. Calculation is possible, but although losing a rook for a pawn seems like a blunder, you realise 6 or 7 moves later that it was essential and let you into their back rank. Just more intuitive.

I completely agree with everything you said.


Well chess variants by themselves they don't offer that much to a player who wants to improve his game. They exist only so players can relax and have a bit of fun. As already mentioned, it's better to have the option to play chess variants than not, so i think they are a nice addition to the site. :)
I don't see this vantage on being white, if you're black you have usually more control of the game at the beginning, and to do something like this: involves more than just memory IMHO.

I agree with #2 and I see the differences between normal chess and the variants but as apostolis1 said I found them a way to take your mind off and focus on the fun. I hate the "superblitz" games (the 0+1 kind) because I feel they make me rely on the same lines over and over but I see why they're on here, if you're into the rush and fun part, they're fun.

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