
A problem for OCD people (like me)

I think I have some mild OCD. I just feel so uncomfortable when numbers are not even and it gives me some sort of anxiety.
Currently, I'm doing some puzzles. I have done exactly 20 puzzles, which is great, but my rating is 1199 and IS EXTREMELY ANNOYING. So, comes the question:
A) Should I break my perfect number of puzzles done today for a great rating and potentially risking to go over the amount or
B) Just stay the same and don't do anything or
C) Special bonus: I do 25 puzzles instead and go over the 1200 mark so it's normal again, I feel fine with numbers between 00 ones other than ratings that end with "49" or "99".
What to do?
Actually i have the same problem in puzzles.. what i do is during the day, when I feel good, I solve to the puzzles Because when i feel anxious about my rating it happens eventually so taking breaks help me to deal with it
I broke the 1200 mark completely and did 22 puzzles. Enough for today.
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