
Controversial Grand Swiss Underway in Riga: Rounds 1 - 6 Recap

Agreed TAUTKUS, i certainly wouldn't have pulled out but don't hold it against anyone that did, their loss lol.
If everyone is so worked up about countries putting restrictions on events like these then why not hold them in a USA based state where there are no covid restrictions like Florida or Texas?

My guess would be everyone involved actually support these restrictions... which is hilarious because they still went to the tournament and almost every picture from it shows the players not wearing masks, that means they are all vaxed which shouldn't have any effect on where the tournament is held because they cant get covid, right? LOL

The organizers and players are obviously craving to play OTB that they pushed to have the tournament moved yet players are pulling out due to "health" concerns. I haven't had to wear a mask in months for any reason and I live in a very blue state. They could easily hold the tournament here and wouldn't even have to enforce any rules about masks, vax, or even 6 feet apart.

How much longer are we gonna play this limbo game... either we go back to full on quarantine with no on allowed to leave the house ever or we go back to normal and end this BS.
This isn't controversial. Covid is here to stay. You can choose to get back to normal, or to be scared.

Good tournament so far. Maybe leave the fearmongering out of the coverage though
Everything is in a state of flux, and this includes the world of chess.
In Order to be healthy, you need to live first. Enough of this Covid madness.
If you are vaccinated, the risk was incredibly low, especially with all the restrictions in place for the tourny. Some weren't comfortable and pulled out, but the organizers were correct to continue on.

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