
fix puzzles

i like solving the chess puzzles on here, chess puzzles help your tatical eye, but i have noticed that many of the puzzles have alternate ways of solving, but if you don't pick their way than its wrong, could you fix that, i lost like 100 points just from that.
I've only found one or two puzzles that actually seem to be incorrect (through analyzing myself and using the built-in engine on lichess).

It is frustrating to me when I lose in a completely winning position because, even though what I did was completely winning, there actually was a better continuation. Sometimes it's a mate in 1 or 2 instead of taking the free queen. Some of these are tricky that way.
I wouldn't worry too much about the rating. What you lost, you will regain anyway. What's important is the training.
"... many of the puzzles have alternate ways of solving..."

Frankly, there's a larger chance that your "alternate ways" are wrong than to the puzzles being wrong.
"Uni" has a point!

___ I have posted around ?9 threads on puzzles and has always been something I don't see... I think the point system is moronic (of course, I often get the 1st 1-2 moves & then stumble) BUT this is one area where POINT OBSESSION is counterproductive....

LEARN! Look for the quickest mating attack; a queen trap; or material gain.... AND accept that the puzzles are designed for 'computer'/ master players... i would never play the solution for 32218 because at my average level protection of the King would weigh more heavily than gaining a minor piece.
____ [of course, that was not the 'computer' response to the 'correct' move so maybe the puzzle is 'wrong' but I simply took the lesson and moved on....]

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