
What is the difference between a 2200 and a 2400 player on lichess

200 rating Points @sai_2001 ... but also they may be equal in many respects but not ALL ... & others may have an Achilles Heel' . It could be a matter of style where one 2200 breaks even with a 2400 while another can only garner 15 percent of the score
It's just that they may have a different conceiving of certain situations. E.g. I did not really notice, but with my old account I got up from 900 blitz to around 1900 Blitz, with this one I came from 1900 Blitz to where I am right now, more or less between 2000 and 2050 Blitz. Never have I ever clearly noticed something like "whoa, that wasn't there yesterday!" It's a subtle and not noticeable process, I can't describe what changed but of course I see more than back to where I was 900 Blitz 3 years ago. Though, back then I thought that there was nothing more in the position and was confronted with lines, my better rated opponent of course saw within. If we could clearly describe what makes the difference - and here one could say now it's getting philosophical - there wouldn't be a difference at all. I am sorry to say so, but in the end: I don't know.
The 2400 play more subtile and know positions better.

The 2200 use more obvious standard techniques, dont have such depth of positional knowledge.

Im just judging by some 2200 players i saw and 2400ers.

Not comprehensive but it looked liked that.
There's a huge difference in rapid. A 2200 is a good club player (say 1700 ELO), a 2400 is often a 2000+ELO.
2400 players almost reach cm or fm level and mostly know all basics....2200 still make mistake but no blunders like 2000 would do
Yermolinsky in his famous book „The Road to Chess Improvement“, meant for FIDE Elo. So you have to add a couple of hundreds to match with lichess rating.

Take from a rezension, translated automatically.

"Why, the author asks, does 1800 win against 1600? Because 1800 makes fewer mistakes. And 2000 wins against 1800 because he better understands the middlegame structures that result from his openings. 2200 vs. 2000 feels more the flow of the game in the Middlegame, the ups and downs trends and the critical moments 2400v2200 acts stronger in the transition from midgame to endgame and has a better command of the endgame 2600v2400 has much more knowledge of typical midgame and endgame positions as a result of careful preparation of the opening repertoire, and is tactically and timing superior."

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