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432 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Lichess Variant Revolutions 2022#7

When Bughouse Revolution

General Chess Discussion - Analysis of Lichess' cheating detection with Machine Learning (ML) - a mis-use of ML & doesn't work#66

Interesting read, and some interesting comments in the thread (with some other ones less so). I am not in any way technical enough to comment on most of what this topic covers, but one thing struck me…

The House Discord Server - Best games of Bundesliga and other team battles#4

I agree that was a stupid game by you

General Chess Discussion - Play in a Chess World Championship#11

As per the qualifier regulations (, under 6. Eligibility, "Players from Russia and Belarus are invited to set neutral…

Community Blog Discussions - Lichess Marathon Statistics#4

No no, see, playing an increment marathon would decrease the 15-hour work-day to the fantastic 13 or 14 hours instead. Or maybe I should just git gud.

Community Blog Discussions - Lichess Marathon Statistics#2

Well now I know which marathon to play if I don't want to again spend 15 hours to win a trophy.

General Chess Discussion - Arkady Dvorkovich, reelected as FIDE President#19

@nonicknamesleft said in #2: > You didn't post his statement: > > "Yes, I am Russian, and I have served the people of my country, including to Russian chess community, as Chairman of the Board of the …

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Half-Year Update & New Feature Sneak Preview#10

Knowing the Lichess team quite well, I must think that the Lichess Tutor feature must already be very polished and close to release, otherwise they would never announce it. As is my understanding, the…

Lichess Feedback - Losing rating after claiming a draw on a disconnected opponent#4

Unfortunately that would make many players leave their games in lost positions hoping the opponents would cancel the game so they don't lose any rating. If claiming a win feels unjustified, think abou…

Community Blog Discussions - Swedish Schackligan Shows Shy Signs of Success#1

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