
Search "user:DunnoItAll"

650 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - is copying Lichess#17

And lichess recently copied's "focus mode" by implementing a "zen mode." This is what makes all of online chess better. Trust me, this is way better than the way online chess used to be. FIC…

General Chess Discussion - Modified Android Lichess app#2

I like this idea, but what will happen when the app updates next?

Lichess Feedback - swiss tournament#13

To me, it's completely irrelevant how "popular" swiss tournaments would be. You simply can't call yourself a chess server without swiss system tournaments. This is a real blackeye for lichess imo.

General Chess Discussion - Do you allow takebacks in rated games?#20

Yes, if you are trying to move fast, then it is even worse to try to have your opponent try to clean up your mistakes. That should be obvious.

General Chess Discussion - Do you allow takebacks in rated games?#18

I consider it basic sportsmanship to use the move confirmation option and make sure the move is what you intended before submitting it rather than just hope you get it right and expecting your opponen…

General Chess Discussion - Do you allow takebacks in rated games?#14

No, absolutely not. Part of learning to get better at chess is to not move until you are absolutely sure of your move.

General Chess Discussion - What type of chess set do you use?#7

This is what I currently use, but it changes every few days:

Lichess Feedback - New board colours#5

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General Chess Discussion - Use Game explorer in correspondece match#6

Lichess is clear on this matter. From the "all about cheating" topic in the Q+A section: "3. Is it cheating if I use an opening book for correspondence games? A: You may use an *opening book* for rate…

General Chess Discussion - Why do I lose the match if my clock runs out even if I have vastly more points?#8

If so, he needs to realize those aren't points and are not an objective of the game of chess.
