
Search "user:Paco67"

65 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Bullet chess, Is it satisfaction enough to be just faster?#1

I have always considered chess a challenge. When someone asks you about the topic, the answer usually is: I'm very bad, I'm a good player, or I'm a master. Unfortunately today we must add, well I am …

General Chess Discussion - 2 queries about Lichess chess rules#9

I totally agree with nayf. Lichess is a great website. It offers many wonderful things. But it also offers other strange ones, which curiously have many defenders. For example premoves, berskering, et…

General Chess Discussion - Time and chess.#1

Time and chess have always been united. But never as much as now, with bullet chess on the internet. A new generation of players has emerged that only manages time better. It has nothing to do with ch…

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"#62

Thank you very much @Wolfram_EP .

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"#59

@Wolfram_EP . Thank you, Wolfram for the information. I had heard something of this. Is really true "too hard to mantain"?. I know about other chess platform (not so good as Lichess is) and there are …

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"#57

You have understood me perfectly, the general tendency is to create equal conditions in any completions, even eliminating any opinion or randomness of the referee (that's why the cameras). From what I…

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"#53

@cheapthought Nice try. But you know just as I do, that it is not the generality. There are thousands of examples in which different rivals beat each other on equal terms. In fact more and more progre…

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"#50

@Wolfram_EP Good answer. Your are right Arena format is not the best option. Arena has some strange features, but it is so. The question then, is: Why Lichess does not provide another touney format to…

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"#48

Real Madrid will play their next league making berserk against some weaker rivals to get more points per game. For this, they will play with 10 players instead of 11. Rafa Nadal, will play the next Ro…

General Chess Discussion - Berserking is "poor sportsmanship?"#45

Ok, oK to all. Berserk is fun, for most people. It add some extra emotion and is a challenge for who do that. Even I have tried it myself to feel that sensation. But I do not like it. What really both…
