
Search "user:variants"

61 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Marked as cheater without reason#32

Hello, I haven't taken part in cheating discussions, but now I see a 3-check cheating accusation, so I want to say something. I took me something like a thousand or two thousand 3-check games here to …

Lichess Feedback - Cheat detected during game - false positive?#4

Ok, thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Cheat detected during game - false positive?#2

Noticed also that anonymous board coordinates are wrong - a-h should be in small letters.

Lichess Feedback - Cheat detected during game - false positive?#1

I played an anonymous 8-move 3check game with all moves by both sides completely normal human moves in my opinion, but my opponent (Black) lost "by cheating". I don't think it is possible to detect ch…

Lichess Feedback - Game completion rate drops from 100% to 95% without aborts or disconnections#1

But lately many of my opponents abort immediately after I accept their challenge. Does that change both player's game completion rate? Then it's a bug. I don't disconnect or abort games.

Lichess Feedback - 3check TV board does not update checks#2

The checks are not updated when going through one's own finished game, either.

Lichess Feedback - 3check TV board does not update checks#1

When watching 3check game on TV and taking moves back, material balance is updated correctly but the number of checks is not reduced when you "take back" a checking move.

Lichess Feedback - feature request: flash window when challenge accepted#2

Option to do that would be best, of course.

Lichess Feedback - feature request: flash window when challenge accepted#1

Sometimes it takes time for a challenge to be accepted. Could there be a couple of flashes in the titlebar when someone accepts the challenge, so that one wouldn't have to keep the board visible all t…

Lichess Feedback - feature request: export games of single variant#1

Since the advanced search still doesn't seem to work, it would be useful to have export of only one (or selected) variants. It would make off-line study of games easier. Thanks for a great chess site!
