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9 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Why do people play this terrible gambit? #73

Good to hear. You can challenge me anytime :)

General Chess Discussion - Why do people play this terrible gambit? #71

@testaccount42 you mentioned me as the 2150 guy, and that triggered me a bit , so i ve fixed that :)

General Chess Discussion - Why do people play this terrible gambit? #9

If you challenge me to a game, i will show you some ideas :)

General Chess Discussion - Why do people play this terrible gambit? #8

Start with Qe2, it was no specific order, just a game plan

General Chess Discussion - Why do people play this terrible gambit? #4

It s a strong opening if you play it well. I don t take on c3 because in my opinion white gets too much compensation.. Instead of 7. e5 --> Castle, Qe2, bishop out ( Bf4 or Bg5) and rook to d an d c1 …

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