
Search "user:SycoraxCirce"

48 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The devilish problem#15

Followup question : how many checkmates-in-one does Black have in the final Diagram?

General Chess Discussion - The devilish problem#12

Oh boy, took me awhile... I got the first part but then ran into another wall. But I think its like this: White King is on f5, Black knight on g4, White pawn on g2, Black pawn on f4. Move 1 Black knig…

General Chess Discussion - What would be a good way to equalize White and Black's winning chances?#40

[Veletas] > What would be a good way to equalize White and Black's winning chances from the starting position? The easiest way is to give unequal amounts of time. Starting out you decide what should b…

Game analysis - A lesson in the endgame#1

Unfortunately I was on the White side of this game. Time control 80 minutes + 10 second increment.

Lichess Feedback - Why did JusticeBot/Farmville/Marchan get banned?#5

JonBonesJones, are you saying that in addition to operating three different accounts (JusticeBot Farmville Marchan) he also operated the account NoDrawNow, then gave access to that account to another …

General Chess Discussion - Komodo 13 - does it have a game database that is accessible offline?#1

With Komodo 13, I know you get access to the live database through a ChessBase account, but do any of you know whether it comes with a game database that is accessible offline? If so, how big is this …

Off-Topic Discussion - Which is your favourite greek deity?#4

Circe of course! Performing magic and turning your enemies into animals, can't beat that.

Off-Topic Discussion - First game!#5

LiChess is nine years old, I can't match that but here's my first effort from Oct 2015.

General Chess Discussion - Mods not responding when alerted to cheaters#7

@lecio good job trying to hijack the thread by talking about stuff that doesnt even relate to what the original poster is talking about.

General Chess Discussion - 7-piece Syzygy tablebases are complete#46

This is a great achievement! Big congratulations to Bojun Guo & Ronald de Man & congrats LiChess! It is not clear to me if they were also involved in managing to compress it all into 18.4 Terabytes, b…
