
Search "user:wateenellende"

55 forum posts
Game analysis - Epic game by young IM Eline Roebers#2

Maybe 30..Bxf6 delay the mate by a little bit instead of 30..Kf8. But since it not really making a difference for black 30..Kf8 31Rh8+ Bxh8 32Bh6+ Bg7 33Bxg7# is a nicest line to end the game.

IM wateenellende
Game analysis - Looking for a pgn of Elgersma - Reinderman, 2021#4

i did some research aswell and on chesstempo and on the 365 database i can't find the game

IM wateenellende
General Chess Discussion - Someone should play cola-cola gambit in 2000+ level#14

<> giri played it once vs GM Arjun aka Ghandeev2003 that game starting at 2:44 just a bullet game ofcourse

IM wateenellende
General Chess Discussion - How to beat a copycat#11

i prefer this version 1d4 d5 2Bg5 Bg4 3Bh4 Bh5 4Qd3 Qd6 5Qh3 Qh6 6Qc8# so there is no material hanging and there is still a quick mate :).

IM wateenellende
Game analysis - 8 captures in a row#2 here a game with 10 captures in a row by white atleast. And here a game with 10 Consecutive captures on the same square <…

IM wateenellende
Crazyhouse World Championship - 1st cwc'#5

Hello Fischy Vishy :), nice your open for the idea despite you make arenas allready. But i think i should have been earlier with the suggestion since its allready 14 september and the championschip ne…

IM wateenellende
Crazyhouse World Championship - 1st cwc'#3

Ofcourse up to the organiser to decided. But i though its better to have the same ammount of games :). But since there are allready some arena made ig the chances for it are unlikely :).

IM wateenellende
Crazyhouse World Championship - 1st cwc'#2

Hello @FischyVishy nice that you try to keep supporting variant :). I was wondering, isn't it better to have a swiss arena so everyone play the same ammount of games. + no Beserk option. Instead of on…

IM wateenellende
Game analysis - A stock fishy move#2

29Nb7 prevent Nd8 after 29Te7 black can still do 29..Nd8 atleast. Black is still losing there though.

IM wateenellende
Game analysis - Why does 2.Bg2 a ?! mark ?#3

1g3 is not even slightly dubious only thing that you need to be willing to transpose to either the english or the reti system and against d5 you can do 2Nf3 to transpose too reti and against 1..e5 2c4…

IM wateenellende