
2800 as a 1600 FIDE player. What's next?

Just reached my ultimate goal of 2800 in bullet chess. But, what's next? I am just over 1600 FIDE rated and I do not play constantly to improve, so I want some thoughts and opinions on that
i mean yeah bro, even i was 2500 in bullet, although me being a 1400 fide..
bullet isnt everything, i guess rapid or classical makes sense
It would probably count as blitz if there were such tournaments; IIRC there is no lower limit for blitz in FIDE regulations.

But the very idea of playing bullet OTB feels quite crazy.
@mkubecek said in #6:
> It would probably count as blitz if there were such tournaments; IIRC there is no lower limit for blitz in FIDE regulations.

There is, the time limit must be more than 3 minutes per game, assuming a 60-move game. See

> But the very idea of playing bullet OTB feels quite crazy.

Agreed, it usually ends in pieces flying around. Personally I do not play anything faster than 3+2 OTB which has been FIDE's standard blitz time control for some 15+ years.
@zwenna said in #8:
> the time limit must be more than 3 minutes per game, assuming a 60-move game
OK, thank you for the correction. Not that I would have any plans to play blitz in near future but good to know.
@Play_FAST_not_SLOW said in #3:
> bullet chess doesn't mean anything
Cant agree with that. While it may be lots of speed too, why would I beat you 100 out of 100 times if its just bullet luck chess?

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