
Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess

Ironically, Bobby Fischer eventually lost to Judit Polgar over the board.
Thanks to the author for raising our consciousness about the sexism in male chess players. It saddens me that I learned some important things about my own prejudices by reading this article, but at least I am learning.
I want to apologize to every opponent I played during my 5000 games and never bothered to ask for their gender, skin color, sex preferences. That's really racist and I shouldn't be so ignorant about that. From now on, I will post every week some political shit just to get your approval. Love you <3 This is what makes our world racist, claims for equality where it was never a problem. It's the ONLINE CHESS - get real, please.
Men outnumber women 15 to 1 in prisons too. I haven't heard any woman discussing equality on this subject.

This article actually made me laugh it is such a stereotypical trope for the new order of things. There is actually plenty of data available showing that men and women have different brains and the author is woefully misinformed with the sole purpose of proving a petty agenda.

The comedy here is the talk of repression, as if women are being 'kept out' of chess. Some people need to recalibrate their sensitivities. The door is wide open. Better than churning out turgid, spurious articles whining about women's lack of achievement, why not do some work and show us that it can be done with actual results?

I for one would welcome any women world champion - mainly because like most people I like good chess and don't give a damn about the race, gender or creed of who is playing it.
Let's not pretend Fischer's words are something worth listening to (unless it directly relates to game analysis). Dude was consistently an asshole
Wow - reading the comments arguing "against" the article by claiming differences in male and female brains, and thinking that there is no repression really haven't read the article, or listened to the words from the videos:

Just because someone is a woman (in this, and ANY other male dominated community) they become an odity. They get treated as an odity. They get preyed upon as the article references numerous times.

That. Is. Wrong!

Just because someone is a woman, you ought to NOT treat them in any different way than you would a man. That is what is being asked for here - and also don't prey on women, just because they are in the minority - and maybe even a minor, as stated in the video from Bortaz.

Trying to defend any of this is appauling! It is treating women as inferior. That is just plain old wrong. It is unethical. It is amoral. What the hell, guys!
So yea, priorities. Women are less INTERESTED. Oh btw women do most "unpaid" work, but men do the most paid work, and guess what's the money for, in most cases? yea to support the family. STOP devaluing men's work, and men in general.
Just wanted to say how much i enjoyed reading the excellent article and how much I agree with the sentiments expressed.
As a (male) coach of primary age children in schools I can see enjoyment, enthusiasm and ability in equal measure from both genders, and often wonder what exactly causes the rapid fall off in interest form older girls. It is clearly nothing to do with the functioning of the brain.
I am disappointed but not entirely surprised by Nigel Short's views, but absolutely mortified that the FIDE lead on women's chess should make such crass comments. I know nothing else about her but a campaign for her replacement would get my support.

As for the many chauvinistic and misogynistic comments in this forum from men. What a bunch of bigoted little boys. They need to try growing up and forming real relationships with people instead of venting online bile in the hope it will get a shock reaction Please ignore them female chess players, they do not represent the majority.
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