
Lichess v2 is here

Good job.
Still some polishing needed. I can understand it is hard to make it look good and work well with all the possible combinations of browsers and screen sizes. But in general a step in the right direction.
It would be nice to save the most recently used board size.

So the user does not have to resize the board every time they log out and log back in.
Hello! I am really enjoing lichess2, and I am so happy the mobile browser experience has improved dramatically! Good job to all the developers and thanks for giving us an even better place for playing chess (and more pride in being patrons!)

i have only one little glitch to report, so far: on Safari for OS, whenever someone puts a long link in a forum post, I am forced to zoom out to view the full width of the text. Zoom level goes automatically back to normal as soon as I go to another page that doesn't have long links in it. Would there be a way to address this? (Maybe there's a setting I am not aware of?)

Thanks and keep up the good work!
I'm not satisfied with design changes on my Android smartphone using Chrome. Even desktop version in Chrome is better. Next time don't change anything in design if it is working and reliable. I will play less games here for reason of poor interface usability.
@apollothethird -- The problem is *not* how you detect the browser or screen size. It's about what you do after you detected it. The old model was to load one version of the site for desktop, and another (different) version for mobile. That meant you had to maintain / debug / add new features to TWO versions of the site (really more if you count tablets, wide-screens etc). That model is not sustainable from a development perspective, especially for a small team of volunteers.

With responsive design, the page elements being loaded are all the same for all devices/browsers. The code is the same. Which is much better from a development + code maintenance perspective, mainly because there is only *ONE* instance of code to maintain. All that's different is the *stylesheet* being loaded (i.e. the way the elements already loaded fit on screen).

As to the rest of your message -- I get it + I wasn't criticizing you for speaking up. Sorry if it came out that way. I do encourage constructive feedback, as so are the developers. Btw, I see that they are already hard at work on ironing out things, and I find the interface already improved compared to just a couple days ago. :)

And thanks for donating. I did that too, despite being a lifetime patron already. They clearly deserve it + would like to put another word out there for anyone who can afford, even a little, to continue supporting Lichess. It's really a gift to the world, and should be appreciated at its true value!

Agreed with the forum navigation issue. I opened a topic myself too, merely hours after the launch of v2. I'm sure it will get addressed shortly.

Best regards.
maybe if all the complainers that are not patrons, became patrons, the funds might be there to help the developers...remember this site if FREE...
ubique29 Why do you need a site if you can not play there?
@ubique29 you don't need funds to do some trivial css change to element as 80% or 64% even.. the board is too big.. everything else is ok; having option to scale manually would be nice but unneeded where the default is not ridiculous.
In version V2, I lost the clock in the game, and everything is very large. Yesterday the board was not visible (FF browser). Today I see a chessboard, but the clock is``t still there. After the update, I can not play here. ((

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