
A new logo for Lichess

Damn, I must say that I fully agree with @GSP0113 .

The current new logo sure is not bad, but the pegasus definitely is such a better match for what this site is about. It does not only carry the image of freedom, but also of light weight (besides "fortune cookie horse", I've already heard the less sympathetic nickname "fat horse", too...).

But I know that it's hard to revise one's decision only a few days after it was publicly announced because of the fear of losing face. Still, I trust Lichess far more than most other sites, so they might actually surprise us by not squirming like others would do.
Yep. The Pegasus is several magnitudes more appealing to look at and actually makes a strong statement on what Lichess is about. I even believe it would have a significant impact on Lichess' popularity.

The round logo looks like the result of a committee eventually getting bored with having to come to a final decision and saying "This will have to do".
Agree with @GSP0113
Design with the wings is thousand times better.

I urge Sadsnake to finetune it, especially change the wing design so that it looks more like the patron wings and less like a swan. I'm sure it will look great and that more and more people will chose the pegasus design over the fortune cookie.

Hope we can change Lichess team's mind about this!

I much prefer the current logo over the Pegasus. Don't think some extra detail would go amiss (2nd ear, perhaps an eye and/or some more definition on the mouth), but overall I really like what it's going for. Horse with wings looks much more standard, much less distinguishable logo.
Disargree with @IsaVulpes
The logo is already top-heavy as it is, let alone that you would add more detail in the top parts. And imagine the logo at favicon size with more mouth and ear detail: that will only clutter an already too fragile image.

We need people to back the pegasus design. Any designer will tell you that it is much better. I am a professional designer btw, if that may add any weight to my comment.
If all of you are professional designers that so easily can make a better design than the current logo, why did none of you ever bother to do so? Surely none of you believed the cburnett Knight to be the nonplusultra

Everyone just starts yapping when it's too late
The entire discussion on github only started AFTER the new logo was introduced.. this 2nd one as a sample adjustment I could subscribe to, it looks a bit more defined than "just an e"

priem19s proposals just look like teamliquid icon
The pegasus is whatever to me, doesnt feel memorable at all, and I dont care much about what any "designer" will tell me
And with some imagination the logo looks like an @ sign.

And "At" in turkish means "horse".

Coincidence??!?!?!?!?? I think so!

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