
You Don't Get to Know Who Won the Titled Arena, Sorry.

@JanMur7, good point, but there are other tournaments that they could have played in (like blitz titled arena), and therefore, they could use those games to prep.
magnus seems to prefer puns and inside jokes. simple inverse writing wouldnt fit his style so far. ofc now we could see it as a troll-back to confuse the audience.

user experience doesnt really matter here for two reasons i believe:

- in contradiction to the blog writer i think a majority of viewers enjoys the mystery alot (maybe an anonymous name / anonymous rating tournament could even be a fun experience for the community)!

- anonymity for one side and not the other creates a slight unfair informational advantage between the players - thatswhy those should be concerned solely. if the majority of players thinks the upsides of anonymity outweigh the negatives case is closed imho. after all they competed with their name and their face for their title so they should logically have the best insights.
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I think I actually know every single winner, but I won't reveal, sorry :(
The motives are clear, they want to avoid preparation. It is a rather strange motive, because there is a software called Chessbase, where games can be found. But then again, wanting to be anonymous is absolutely fine. @Lichess please don't make identification mandatory!
I think in the future the titled players won't have a chance to win against the regular internet players, of which most of us are anonymous anyway, so the problem will be solved by itself. No one will care for the identity of the titled players, because they will not win anymore.
@Rookitiki Yeah they are holding well to their reputation and their offline and online rating, but in the future they may not be.Actually i expected for the world championship 960 match that was played on chess,com, for an internet player to challenge Magnus, but i was wrong. The thing is who cares for Fide tournaments to play there and be a titled player. Personally i will play on the internet forever.
@RetiLangweiler isn't it rather more likely that they're anonymous specifically because they want to play their tournament preparations but without associating their names with them?

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