
Declining Draw Offers

I don't understand what you mean by repeated draw offers - I can only offer a draw once in my games, then the button greys out?

Edit: Aha, it comes back after about 10 moves! I never noticed that. Those guys must really be out to annoy you!

+1 @tpr suggestion. Only bring back the draw offer button after the opponent has offered a draw. i.e. you can only offer a draw once per game, unless your opponent offers a draw, then you can get the button available again
@AlEkHiNeSgUn1937 Offering a draw might be rude at a higher level. But if both of the players are below 2000, I would say it's fine. Most of the time, the players will know the evaluation of the position, and the correct result will come about. But sometimes, the player with the advantage might misevaluate the position, and agree to the draw. In this case, the player who offered the draw has used a tactic of the game, to score himself a better result than he would have otherwise got.

If you are ever unsure about whether or not to offer the draw, I would say go ahead and offer it. You have nothing to lose. If your opponent declines the first time however, a general rule of thumb is to play 10 moves each before offering a draw again. Don't get too caught up in what is considered the norm, and deprive yourself of the opportunity to get your dream result.

To drive the point home, I will tell you all about a game I had in a national tournament. At the time, my rating was 1800, and my opponent was 2350. I didn't know what to expect, but I assumed I would probably lose the game going into it. We played several moves, and reached a complicated middle game in the Nimzo Indian. Eventually, I ended up sacrificing an exchange for a promising attack. After several moves, he seemed to outplay me, and my attack appeared to be fizzling out. I decided to offer a draw as the attack was dwindling away. He thought for 30 minutes, and then agreed. His reason, because he found a resource that would have kept the attack going. I would have never found that resource as an 1800.

The draw saved me! And it can save you too. Don't shy away from offering draws. And don't be afraid of insulting your opponents with draw offers that you think are not in your favor. Just don't annoy your opponent with frequent draw offers.

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Is there anything wrong with self-promotion? I am offering value and staying relevant to the posted topic. All of the sources of promotion are other avenues people can go to if they want more FREE value. It's similar to draw offers. I am not spamming the self-promotion all in the same post. I am simply empowering all of the 1200s out there who want to reach their dreams and don't have a clear idea how to do that.

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