
Is It Possible To Become A Pro Chess Player?

How about people like that girl with a rating of like 2100 who streams and commentates and probably makes a decent living? Alexandra something? Is that considered a chess professional?
that's a terrific point, @Kusokosla .... i hear people make very very good livings on social media ---- if people gravitate to your chess channel, i figure that can provide for a living... generally you have to be an IM though...........and very importantly --- be able to attract people through your chatter, analysis, etc.... so ,... the hangup is.................. you gotta be an IM or better. highly unlikely for most who aspire to that.
Nah, that's not really much of a point. Someone who manages to make a living as a "commentator" is still not a pro player.
I'd rather be a happy commentator raking in good bucks gabbing on social media than a stressed out mid or even upper level pro player, barely making ends meet, ultimately giving it up when you can't take it anymore....I just cannot see being a pro player and making money.... Unless your name happens to be nakamura, caruana,et Al.... Do I sound pessimistic?
Rashid Nezhmetdinov started serious play in his teens and produced some beautiful games, yet he never became a GM and never gave up his day job as a mathematician. Antonio Radic (Agadmator) is around 2200 (I think) and scrapes by with producing some great commentary, but depends on donations of $25, $50. Even world champion Euwe kept a real job.
Tough to make a living playing.
Parentaladvisory, of course you can. Keep humility,do hard work, analyze your games(yes,even blitz ones),get improve. Your only limit is your imagination and your will. Run,world champ is waiting you,nothing is impossible,go and catch him!Become a master.Gotta catch'em all! :)
Everyone is talking about age. And age is a factor. But even if you were six years old, you literally have a higher chance of winner the lottery than becoming a professional chess *player*. Now if you really want to make a career out of chess, that is possible, but the more realistic approach is to get as good as you can and start coaching. Or you could look at working for a chess non-profit.

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