
US socialism

How US capitalism depends on socialism: Taxation. Command economy. Bailouts.
Taxation pays for most(?) spending, which sets up the infrastructure, military, and so much more, as we're rediscovering.

Your counterargument is "Buzzwords!"?
"... you have yet to give me a straight answer."

Chuckle. What's your trip?

* Edited
""Pompous gaslighting" isn't an insult."
Pompous--affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important
I only called you a troll when you made a trolling forum post.
I will admit to the occasional humorous post here or there, but I make an effort not to hurt anyone's feelings. That's kind of against the whole trolling thing.

Did you do a mathematical proof? Alright, you got me- I think the economy is alive.

* Edited
Maybe I should have insulted you when you said something to the effect of "The Native Americans didn't have any right to the land" (just because they were living here).

* Edited to not be harsh
So we're criticizing my use of "encompass" rather than "is incorporated in"?
I used a slightly misleading verb in order to defend the concept of socialism, one which I don't even support. I'm sorry I didn't elocute a single word correctly after receiving bad news from my doctor.
But does that change anything? No.

Edited, because an argument typically requires two sides, not one and a half.

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